
It is my professional purpose to share knowledge and experiences in organizational change and leadership to make other people successful as leaders and change managers. As professor, director and consultant, I am engaged in the future of youngsters, safety in society and in humanity in neighbourhoods and schools. I feel committed to action learning of leaders, managers and professionals who really want to make a difference. It gives me energy when I contribute to the proud of people in their work and to organizational and societal renewal.

Jaap is a professor of Organization Dynamics at ESADE Business School in Barcelona (Spain) and visiting professor of Organizational Change at WU, Vienna University for Economics and Business. He is a senior lecturer at the Netherlands School of Public Administration in The Hague. Before he worked as a professor of Organizational Change and Learning at the University
of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and as Dean of Sioo, Interuniversity Center for Organizational Change and Learning (The Netherlands).

At ESADE Business School he is involved in education on strategic and cultural change in organizations, organizational and professional development and cross-cultural mergers and alliances. His research focuses on transformational leadership, success factors to organizational change and innovation, power dynamics in organizations, cross-cultural management and organizational change and development.

As an independent consultant he is involved in change processes in international business firms and organizational networks in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In addition, he is a member of supervisory and non-executive boards in financial services and public institutes in health and youth care.

Cultural change and leadership

In February 2013 the English title Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations was published. I am very happy with this publication, which is full of conceptual material, inspiring examples and concrete intervention to realize successful strategic and cultural change in organizations.

Alfons Sauguet, Dean of ESADE Business School: “There is some unique quality in the way Jaap Boonstra has succeeded in bringing together a very rich set of experiences and recreate them against a background of sound ideas and concepts. This book offers inspiration that turns into practical cues for those wanting to manage and change the subtle threads of organizational culture”.

The art of consulting


My most relevant presentations about consulting are available here.

Sensing and Inquiring
Understanding organizational dynamics
Intervening and guiding change
Action Inquiry and change

Thoughtful consulting

Intervening and changing - Looking for meaning

My most relevant publications on Consulting are available here:

Interventions for cultural change
– Intervening and changing
Understanding complexity
Action Research Change Capacity

My complete list of publications is available here

Consulting with passion

Jaap Boonstra Adviseur

My purpose as a consultant is being supportive and contributing to strategic and cultural change in organizations.
With passion and dedication

Dynamics in Organizations

Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning is an academic handbook for people who are willing to take a deep dive into the dynamics of organizational change and development. Well known scholars contributed to this handbook, like  Karl Weick, Robert Quinn, Chris Argyris, Thomas Cummings, Alfons Sauquet, Alice Lam, Gary Yukl, Chris Clegg and many others. This book was awarded a prize by a Dutch association for professionals in organizational science and change management.

Intervening and changing

Intervening and changing offers new perspectives on intervening and organizational change. It offers an overview of paradoxes and tensions in the field of organizational change and presents interventions that are based in social constructionism and social interaction theory. This book is the first comprehensive guide to offer successful new ways of organizationals to apply global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovations.