
Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards.

As a professional I like to share inspiration and experiences. I use Twitter and LinkedIn for short messages. On this page you will find more extensive reflections and stories. They usually describe events that inspire me, things that amaze me, themes that keep me busy or interesting experiences as a consultant in strategic and cultural change.

I hope these short stories inspire others and encourage you to share your own inspiration and experiences. In the coming time more stories will be published in English.

What makes a consultant?

Jaap Boonstra | 18 December 2017

What makes a management consultant influential? Is it expertise, presence, power, network, process capabilities?

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Moving, changing or hiking

Jaap Boonstra | 28 June 2017

Digitale transformaties verlangen leiders met een moreel kompas die kunnen verbinden, open staan voor innovaties en richting geven aan transformaties

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Moving, changing or hiking

Jaap Boonstra | 02 June 2017

Innoveren gaat via kleine stapjes en dikwijls tegen de stroom in. Daar is lef voor nodig.
Zes bemoedigende gezichtspunten.

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Moving, changing or hiking

Jaap Boonstra | 28 May 2017

De meeste mensen doen hun werk met passie. Ook de rioolwerkers in Parijs. Hoe betekenisvol is uw werk?

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