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Publicaties en presentaties Jaap Boonstra

This site contains useful publications and presentations about leadership, organizing, changing and consulting. You are free to use texts in your own work and to use them for non-commercial use.

More information about cultural and organizational change can be found on the website change as play, such as video lectures, presentations, video clips, movies, tests and case descriptions of organizations in change.

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Cultural change

The book “Leiders in Cultuurverandering” [Cultural Change and leadership] is based on 16 in-depth case studies in international and Dutch companies. They include Randstad, Arcadis, Air France KLM, 3M Health care, Amazon and Ahold. The case descriptions are available in Dutch language. The most important stories are included as practical examples in the English publication Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations.

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Cultural change

The book “Leiders in Cultuurverandering” [Cultural Change and leadership] is based on 16 in-depth case studies in international and Dutch companies. They include Randstad, Arcadis, Air France KLM, 3M Health care, Amazon and Ahold. The case descriptions are available in Dutch language. The most important stories are included as practical examples in the English publication Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations.

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Change management

Verandermanagementbox - Jaap Boonstra

In 2010 a boxed collection was put together about change management. It has 20 cd’s for people who seek inspiration while traveling or who want to listen during quiet moments at home or on holidays. This project is a collaboration of 18 colleagues from the Netherlands. Unfortunately the box in available in the Dutch language only.

Together with colleagues from Spain we aim to launch a similar project on leadership and change in the Spanish language. This is scheduled for 2015.

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Strategic change

Usually I am actively involved in two or three change processes. This focus makes it possible to be fully engaged in these projects. Currently I am involved in:

Firefighters Netherlands
How the Firefighters Netherlands collaborate to contribute to physical security and societal continuity and develop their vision of the future.

Public healthcare
How a public healthcare organization contributes to the health of youngsters and their families by preventing child abuse and violence in households.

Global Alliance for Banking on Values
The development of a global alliance and their ambition to finance change in local communities and change finance for the good of all.

Next to my involvement in these broad scale change programs, I contribute to leadership excellence and strategic change in programs for several international companies.



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