Some paths you have to walk alone

Some paths you have to walk alone

Ocean full of life

Streams create rivers. Rivers create a mysterious ocean full of life

Who is afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue

Who is afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue

Your vision is your future

Your vision is your future

A destiny is never a place

A destiny is never a place but a new way of looking at things

Change as adventurous hike

Traveling is looking at yourself against another background



My most relevant presentations about leadership are available here:

Reflections on leadership
Leadership and strategy
Transformational leadership
Personal Leadership Development

Change management

This summer a new title will be published about change management. The booklet contains 28 short stories based on my own experiences in organizational change. Every story concludes with illustrative and sometimes amusing lessons about change management. The book is in the stage of conceptual development with an attractive lay out and nice drawings. The first reactions of colleagues who have read the manuscript are very enthusiastic.