Sustainable change

Dynamics of organizational change and learning

Dynamics of organizational change and learning

My most relevant publication on Changing are available here:

– Change strategies
Change dynamics
Reflections on change
Intervening and changing

My complete list of publications is available here

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Strategic change

Usually I am actively involved in two or three change processes. This focus makes it possible to be fully engaged in these projects. Currently I am involved in:

Firefighters Netherlands
How the Firefighters Netherlands collaborate to contribute to physical security and societal continuity and develop their vision of the future.

Public healthcare
How a public healthcare organization contributes to the health of youngsters and their families by preventing child abuse and violence in households.

Global Alliance for Banking on Values
The development of a global alliance and their ambition to finance change in local communities and change finance for the good of all.

Next to my involvement in these broad scale change programs, I contribute to leadership excellence and strategic change in programs for several international companies.



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